SCGS 2021 Online Annual Holiday Fund-Raising Concert
Zoom Concert: Saturday, December 11, 7:00 PM
One of the favorite events of the year is the Annual SCGS Holiday Fundraiser Concert! Please join us online on Saturday, December 11, 7:00 pm PT to share music and celebrate the season. Your support and donations help SCGS continue to bring music, education, outreach, and community to all. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to a local food bank*.
The theme for this year's concert is "Gratitude."
Below is the link to register for the holiday concert.
There will be an option to attend for free or to offer a freewill donation:

Registration is required. You are welcome to attend for free or to offer your free will donation.
To donate, please click on "donations", on the left side of the page,
or donate to PayPal at
Registration Link:
To donate, please visit and click on "donations"
or donate to PayPal at
Please submit any questions to:
SCGS will give 10% of each donation up to $4 per donation
to the Phinney Ridge Lutheran Food Bank.

Virtual Guitar Ensemble Play-Along
and Video Creation Opportunity
There will be an opportunity for everyone to play in a virtual guitar ensemble with a multi-level arrangement of "Variations on Simple Gifts" by Joseph Brackett Jr. for 3 guitar parts. This is a collaborative arrangement by four talented SCGS members: Meredith Connie, Ming Huang, Stephen Howland, and Mark Wilson. To be a part of the virtual guitar ensemble, please download the part(s) you would like to play, as well as the backing track. The backing track has all the parts, and starts with 2 measures of click. Listen to the backing track in headphones, and record yourself (audio only) playing your part. Please send your mp3 to, and we will edit it all together.
Simple Gifts Play-Along Files
A couple of notes about this arrangement:
1. The variations are different tempos, so there are two measures of click in between each variation to set the player up for the new tempo. These gaps will be edited out in the final project.
2. The variation by Stephen Howland has pizzicato, which did not come out very clearly in the backing track. There is an mp3 of Stephen's variation played live, where you can hear the sound of the pizzicato.
3. If you would like to participate but would prefer to play only one or some of the variations, and not the entire piece, please go ahead and record your variation(s) and leave the rest silent. It will all be edited together.
Submit Images for the Video
You may also collaborate on this project by submitting images inspired by something that brings you a feeling of gratitude. A few technical wizards behind the scenes will use the audio and visual submissions to create a video for everyone to enjoy at the concert, celebrating community participation and a shared vision of gratitude for the new year. Please send your own or public domain images to
The deadline to send all materials is December 6, 2021.
If you have any questions or need more time, please contact us at