Seattle Classic Guitar Society


Free Summer Concert and Workshop
with Maximiliano Larrea, Tango Guitarist!

Wednesday, July 31, 7:00 pm
The Chapel at Good Shepherd Center,
4649 Sunnyside Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103

Please join us for a free concert and workshop with Maxi Larrea, acclaimed tango
and folklore performer, arranger, composer and educator from Argentina!

The evening will open with a concert of solo tango guitar with Maxi Larrea, and after a short break, continue with an interactive workshop open to all levels of guitarists to play or to just listen. The workshop will be based on Maxi's new book geared towards tango guitar students of all ages, presenting traditional tango songs in an accessible way and that reinforces technical and expressive concepts needed to play tango guitar.

Maximiliano Larrea is a nationally certified classical guitarist from Rosario, Argentina. He currently lives in Tucson, Arizona, where he works as a tango and folklore performer, arranger, composer and educator. In 2023, he was the recipient of a prestigious Master Artist Award from the Southwest Folklife Alliance in recognition of his expertise in tango guitar. As an educator, Maximiliano has years of experience teaching private lessons and working and developing music curricula in public K-8 schools in Buenos Aires and Rosario, Argentina. In the United States, he has worked at Montessori schools in Maine and Indiana where he developed an innovative interdisciplinary Spanish and Music education program based around his own compositions and arrangements of Latin American popular and folk songs.

Download the Workshop Music

Please enjoy videos from Maxi's YouTube channel!


SCGS 2024 Summer Picnic!

Please join us for the Seattle Classic Guitar Society Summer Picnic!
This will be at a private home in NE Seattle on Sunday, August 11, from 3-6 pm.
Please feel free to bring your guitar/instrument if you would like to share music,
and food or drink for potluck snacks.

For more information and the address, please RSVP to


Seattle Classic Guitar Society Presents

2024-2025 International Series at Benaroya Hall

Concerts on Saturday evenings at 7:30 pm,
Illsley Ball Nordstrom Recital Hall at Benaroya Hall
Master classes and workshops the following Sunday mornings at 10:00 am

Guitar Series Photos

Jorge Caballero
Saturday, September 28, 2024

Iliana Matos
Saturday, November 16, 2024

Los Angeles Guitar Quartet
Saturday, April 5, 2025

Dale Kavanagh4
Saturday, May 3, 2025

Ticket On Sale Soon!


2024-2025 Free Concerts @ Good Shepherd Center

A series of free concerts, on Saturday afternoons at 2:00 pm, at the beautiful Chapel Space at Good Shepherd Center, in the Wallingford area of Seattle. Plenty of free parking too!

GSC Concert Series

Visit the Free Concerts page for more information!

Click here for more information and tickets!


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