Seattle Classic Guitar Society


Guitar Orchestra

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About the Orchestra
Mark Hilliard Wilson is the conductor, composer, arranger and music director to the Guitar Orchestra of Seattle; also known as GuitarChestra. Mark runs the Guitar Orchestra as a workshop, open to all levels of classical guitarists. The goal of the workshops are to get the (solo) classical guitarist out of their basement, bedroom, living room and into the fraternity of fellow guitarists so music can be made together. The number of players in Guitar Orchestra has ranged from 8 to 40. Wilson has run 25 workshops over the last 10 years, often writing most of the music performed. There is always a specific focus of the music; from programs exploring the cultures of the Silk Road, Latin America, and Spain, to the study of composers from the late 18th century such as Jan Kritic Neruda and Johann David Henichen. Some of the venues Guitar Orchestra has played are Nordstrom Recital Hall in Seattle, Victoria Conservatory in British Columbia, Soundbridge, The Phinney Neighborhood Center, and the annual Seattle Classic Guitar Society Holiday Concert at the Seattle Mennonite Church. Please contact Mark Wilson for current season information and costs.




